How many in the class have a credit card? More than one? How old were you when you got your first credit card?
What do you use them for? Why do we like credit cards so much?
This young woman discusses how she lives more frugally after college than during her college years, even though she has a job, because of her credit card debt. She cannot afford a car payment because she has to pay off credit cards.
What are students' general impressions of this woman? Is she particularly irresponsible? Or is she basically normal? The statistics indicate that she is fairly normal.
Getting used to spreadsheets is a worthwhile goal in and of itself and a life skill students are likely to use later. The spreadsheet (or online calculators) will be used to explore the discussion questions on the next page.
Invite students to comment on the total amount of money paid and how this compares across interest rates.
This young man has over $140,000 in college loans and an additional $15,000 in credit card debt. How does this happen?
What were his assumptions about his ability to pay these off? What do you suppose were the assumptions his creditors made when they loaned him $140,000 for school?
CCNI4What do the students think would be a “wise” use of credit cards, or credit in general?
The next few slides are intentionally vague. When consumers make a decision about whether to take an offer like the one described here, the terms of the offer usually are somewhat vague and the decision is made at the register. In this module students can make an intuitive decision in discussions, but investigate the real consequences in the mathematical exploration.
This might be a good place to mention credit worthiness and credit ratings. Students may be surprised to discover that not everyone receives the same offer!
This page is a springboard for student discussion. In particular, the instructor might:
The main conclusion of any discussion at this point should be that it is impossible to answer the question without doing some mathematics.
The penalties have huge consequences. Ask students to assess the probability that they will make a late payment. Why would someone get a returned payment? Do they think the penalty APR and fees are fair?
Use the sales tax for your state. Use 17.25% APR now for calculations. Later your students can look at the other two possibilities.
Month | Balance | Interest | Payment | New Balance | Total Payment |
1 | 900 | 50 | 850 | 50 | |
2 | 850 | 8.50 | 50 | 808.50 | 100 |
3 | 808.50 | 8.09 | 50 | 766.59 | 150 |
4 | 766.59 | 7.67 | 50 | 724.26 | 200 |
5 | 724.26 | 7.24 | 50 | 681.50 | 250 |
Here is an opportunity for your students to set up a simple spreadsheet. They are going to have to use a calculator anyway, so you might as well encourage them to use a spreadsheet and experiment on their own. Then when they see the spreadsheet on slide 10 they will be suitably impressed!
This discussion refers to the worksheet offered in slide 8.
Getting used to spreadsheets is a worthwhile goal in and of itself and a life skill students are likely to use later. The spreadsheet (or online calculators) will be used to explore the discussion questions on the next page.
Invite students to comment on the total amount of money paid and how this compares across interest rates. Have them think about the shape of the graph produced by the spreadsheet (or some of the online calculators). Do they recognize the shape? This is an opportunity to discuss functions they have seen before.
The online calculators don't give all the answers that the spreadsheet does. But students can be challenged to figure out the answers using arithmetic.
In courses whose enrollment is primarily future teachers this module can open a discussion of number size and the mental number line (Siegler et al, [1]). What is a big number? Is a $1000 a lot of money or a little? How about the interest, does it feel like a lot or a little? Children carry a mental number line that is more or less logarithmically scaled. To a small child, 10,000 and 100,000 seem much closer in size than 10 and 100. Where the compression of scale begins depends on the stage of development.
Perhaps this is why, for adults borrowing money, if $100,000 seems like a huge amount of money then $200,000 doesn't feel that much bigger.
[1] Siegler, R. S. & Opfer, J. 2003. The development of numerical estimation: Evidence for multiple representations of numerical quantity. Psychological Science, 14, 237-243.
Students should see by the end of this discussion that, although more than one payment plan may save them money, they gain the most advantage by paying the loan off sooner. Later they will look at the effect of different interest rates on this calculation.
No credit card company lets you do either of these things any more, do they? Why not? This could spark an interesting class discussion of both the mathematical nature of debt and the ethical questions of who should bear the responsibility for the propensity of consumers to get themselves into trouble.
This page is intended as a possible link to college math. In the case where the consumer makes no payments, what is owed every month increases. There is an easy way to compute the total owed using a hand calculator. Just take the principal and multiply it by (1 + monthly interest as a percent) for as many months as you want. Each multiplication gives the new amount owed. Students can generate a graph from this data (or use the spreadsheet with zero payments to see the graph). The interest then becomes a relative growth rate, giving the percentage by which the balance grows every month.
What is the formula for this calculation? A similar question could be asked about the case of linear growth.
These explorations offer the possibility of writing assignments where students must support their arguments with calculations and graphical displays. Figures should be used as a basis for argument and not just placed in the paper like ice cubes in a punch bowl. Here are some possible topics:
At this point the class may be ready for a more complex situation. Here is a link that allows you to download a file containing several credit card offers that students can study to extend their understanding.
Here are some activities you might do with these offers in your class.
Consider several student credit card options. Provide students with the details for the credit card offer. Ask them which would be the best offer for them. They will likely have no idea. Hopefully they will ask about APR for payments, APR for transfers, APR for cash advances, minimum interest charge, Annual Fee, Transaction Fee, Penalty Fee etc. These can lead to a discussion about what these terms mean.
The class could then choose a scenario and track monthly payments that would trigger various fees. Students would then be given three different credit card options.
There will be pros and cons to the first two options. The students should hopefully recognize that the third option is a bad deal.
Look at the two specific cases of Cash advances and missed payment. Have students work in two groups examining one of the two topics in a fashion similar to the last exercise. When they get a handle on their understanding they can then present their findings to the class or write a short paper.
We suggest a writing assignment to conclude this lesson. Here are two possibilities: