Salim Tayou
I am an Assistant Professor at Dartmouth College.
My research is in number theory and algebraic geometry. I like to think about the Hodge locus in complex geometry and the Tate locus in arithmetic geometry, with applications to geometric problems on Shimura varieties, K3 surfaces, and abelian varieties. I have been interested recently in (mock-) modularity properties of special cycles in Shimura varieties as well as the study of the non-abelian Hodge locus in non-abelian Hodge theory.
My research is supported by NSF grant DMS-2503815, NSF grant DMS-2302388 and by the Burke Research Initiation Award.
My CV is available here.
Office 341
Department of Mathematics
29 N. Main Street
Hanover, New Hampshire
03755 USA
- Shafarevich's conjecture for families of hypersurfaces over function fields. With Philip Engel, and Alice Lin. Submitted.
- On the torsion locus of the Ceresa normal function. With Matt Kerr. Submitted.
- On the non-abelian Hodge locus I. With Philip Engel. Submitted.
- Vanishing of Brauer classes on K3 surfaces under reduction. With Davesh Maulik. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Volume 111, Issue 1, January 2025.
- Mixed Mock Modularity of Special Divisors. With Philip Engel and François Greer. Preprint. Here is the letter from Bruinier referenced in the paper.
- Picard rank jumps for K3 surfaces with bad reduction. Algebra & Number Theory. Vol. 19 (2025), No. 1, 77–112.
- Equidistribution of Hodge loci II. With Nicolas Tholozan. Compositio Mathematica. Volume 159, Issue 1, January 2023, pp. 1 - 52.
- Exceptional jumps of Picard ranks of reductions of K3 surfaces over number fields. With Ananth Shankar,
Arul Shankar and Yunqing Tang. Forum of Mathematics, Pi. Volume 10, 2022, e21.
- Rational curves on elliptic K3 surfaces. Mathematical Research Letters. Vol. 27, No. 4 (2020), pp. 1237-1247.
- On the equidistribution of some Hodge loci. J. Reine Angew. Math.762 (2020), 167–194.
- Images des représentations galoisiennes associées à certaines formes modulaires de Siegel de genre 2. Int. J. Number Theory. 13, 1129 (2017).
Current teaching:
Previous teaching:
Harvard number theorists seminar:
I occasionally organize and write programs for the Harvard number theorists seminar. See below for more details.