picture of Salim Tayou

Salim Tayou

I am an Assistant Professor at Dartmouth College.

My research is in number theory and algebraic geometry. I like to think about the Hodge locus in complex geometry and the Tate locus in arithmetic geometry, with applications to geometric problems on Shimura varieties, K3 surfaces, and abelian varieties. I have been interested recently in (mock-) modularity properties of special cycles in Shimura varieties as well as the study of the non-abelian Hodge locus in non-abelian Hodge theory.

My research is supported by NSF grant DMS-2503815, NSF grant DMS-2302388 and by the Burke Research Initiation Award.

My CV is available here.

Office 341
Department of Mathematics
29 N. Main Street
Hanover, New Hampshire
03755 USA
E-mail: salim.tayou@dartmouth.edu


  1. Shafarevich's conjecture for families of hypersurfaces over function fields. With Philip Engel, and Alice Lin. Submitted.

  2. On the torsion locus of the Ceresa normal function. With Matt Kerr. Submitted.

  3. On the non-abelian Hodge locus I. With Philip Engel. Submitted.

  4. Vanishing of Brauer classes on K3 surfaces under reduction. With Davesh Maulik. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Volume 111, Issue 1, January 2025.

  5. Mixed Mock Modularity of Special Divisors. With Philip Engel and François Greer. Preprint. Here is the letter from Bruinier referenced in the paper.

  6. Picard rank jumps for K3 surfaces with bad reduction. Algebra & Number Theory. Vol. 19 (2025), No. 1, 77–112.

  7. Equidistribution of Hodge loci II. With Nicolas Tholozan. Compositio Mathematica. Volume 159, Issue 1, January 2023, pp. 1 - 52.

  8. Exceptional jumps of Picard ranks of reductions of K3 surfaces over number fields. With Ananth Shankar, Arul Shankar and Yunqing Tang. Forum of Mathematics, Pi. Volume 10, 2022, e21.

  9. Rational curves on elliptic K3 surfaces. Mathematical Research Letters. Vol. 27, No. 4 (2020), pp. 1237-1247.

  10. On the equidistribution of some Hodge loci. J. Reine Angew. Math.762 (2020), 167–194.

  11. Images des représentations galoisiennes associées à certaines formes modulaires de Siegel de genre 2. Int. J. Number Theory. 13, 1129 (2017).

Current teaching:

Previous teaching:


Harvard number theorists seminar:

I occasionally organize and write programs for the Harvard number theorists seminar. See below for more details.
