Thursday Mar 27 |
Ernesto Vallejo, Department of Mathematics, MIT and Instituto de Matematicas, UNAM.
Minimal matrices in algebra and combinatorics |
Thursday Apr 3 |
Oscar A. Sanchez-Valenzuela, CIMAT, Guanajuato, MX
Lie superalgebras based on gl(2) associated to the adjoint representation |
Thursday Apr 10 |
Octav Cornea, University of Montreal
Lagrangian intersections and homotopy theory |
Thursday Apr 17 |
Tom Trotter, Georgia Institute of Technology Schnyder's Theorem and Friends |
Thursday Apr 24 |
Jeffrey McGowan,
Central Connecticut State University Counting Closed Geodesics in Homology Classes for Convex Co-Compact Hyperbolic Manifolds |
Thursday May 1 |
Natasha Dobrinen,
Penn State University Infinitary games in Boolean algebras and related forcing properties |
Thursday May 8 |
Lee Rudolph,
Clark University 21 years of ``Knot Theory of Complex Plane Curves'' |
Mon-Thurs May 12 - 15 |
Robert Bryant,
Duke University The Kemeny Lecture Series |
Thursday May 22 |
Steven A. Greenberg, MD,
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Microarray and Bioinformatics Based Disease Classification |
Thursday May 29 |
Jay Lawrence, Dartmouth College
On the existence of mutually unbiased basis sets in complex vector spaces of finite dimension. |
Thursday June 5 |
Audrey Terras, U.C.S.D.
Artin L- Functions of Graph Coverings: When Number Theory Meets Graph Theory |