Conference Proceedings
[SPIE] |
Utilizing SAR imagery in three-dimensional neural radiance fields-based applications
Jamora, Green, Talley, and Curry (2023) |
[Optica] |
Compressed Single-Shot Photoacoustic Image Reconstruction of a 3D Pressure Distribution Green, Gelb, and Luke (2021) |
[SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing] |
Utilizing SAR imagery in three-dimensional neural radiance fields-based applications Jamora, Green, Talley, and Curry (2023) |
[SIAM CSE23] |
Hierarchical Bayesian 3D Synthetic Aperture Radar Reconstruction Using Joint Sparsity Green, Gelb, and Jamora (2023) |
[AFOSR Electromagnetics Annual Portfolio Review] |
Advances in Bayesian Inference techniques for SAR Image Recovery Green, Gelb, Lindbloom, and Jamora (2023) |
[ATRC Summer Review] |
Evaluation of Neural Radiance Fields in 3D SAR Reconstruction Green, Jamora, Sudkamp, and Sotirelis (2022) |
[SIAM UQ22] |
Sar Image Formation Using Empirical Bayesian Inference With Joint Sparsity Green, Gelb, and Scarnati (2022) |
[SIAM IS22] |
Empirical Bayesian Inference Using Joint Sparsity for SAR Image Formation Green, Gelb, and Scarnati (2022) |
[OSA Imaging Conference] |
Compressed Single-Shot Photoacoustic Image Reconstruction of a 3D Pressure Distribution Green, Gelb, and Luke (2021) |