Percentage of total grades | |
Class participation | 30% |
Project | 70% |
At the end of the course each student has to submit a research project based on the material learned during the course. Students can choose either to work on a project individually or in a team of 2 to 3 students. The main criteria for grading a project will be the originality of the idea/problem and complexity of methods, concepts and techniques used. Project document should be submitted in a pdf format generated using latex or html generated using Jupyter(Ipython Notebook). Students are highly encouraged to use the Jupyter(Ipython Notebook) option for submission and to include interactive graphics in their submission. Please check out tools like mpld3 or Bokeh for creating interactive plots in Jupyter. Students are also expected to give a brief presentation to the class about their project.
Project submission deadline: March 6
Project presentations: March 8 and 10
Group I (Level 1): Joshua Perlmutter, Jason Wei, Omkar Sreekanth
Group II (Level 1): James (Yi Yuan), Michael Huang, Jack Dunn, Amber Liu
Group III (Level 2): Sarah Chen, Joon Cho, Milan Huynh, Jeffrey Kim
Group IV (Level 1): Dylan Hong, Ava Giglio, Rachel Webb
Group V (Level 2): Sean Howe, Greta Joung, Harry Qi
Group VI (Level 2): Ria Goel,Yue Wang, Richard Shen
Students with diagnosed learning disability are encouraged to discuss with the instructor any appropriate accommodations that might be helpful. All discussions will remain confidential, although the Student Accessibility Services office may be consulted.