The Financial Literacy Initiative at Dartmouth College
Investing in the Stock Market - Outline
Slides are tagged by opening line.
- “You have a good job at college” introduces the stock market as an investment option.
- “Is it really that easy?” shows an ad that makes investing in the market look easy.
- “What is” describes the stock market.
- “How does” gives and example of how a business creates stocks.
- “At the end of the year” describes what a dividend is.
- “Each part of this process” defines quantities associated with stocks.
- “What is the stock market” describes publicly traded stocks.
- “It is very easy” describes how to buy stock.
- “See if you can find” asks students to find financial quantities on a stock fact sheet.
- “In the last example” compares the financial quantities on the stock sheet to the example in slide 4.
- “Why buying stocks” explains why stocks are a riskier investment than savings or bonds.
- “Let us look at an example” gives the variation in one stock over 5 days.
- “Here is the price” lets students compare this to variation over one month.
- “Here is AT&T over six months” shows six months, asking students to predict the near future.
- “Here is AT&T over one year” shows one year.
- “Here is AT&T over five years” shows five years, again asking for a prediction.
- “Here is AT&T over ten years” shows ten years.
- “So, what do we learn” asks students to consider the consequences of choosing various possible moments to buy or sell this stock.
- “How then can you possibly determine” describes the price to earning ratio, or PE ratio, which indicates when a stock is “on sale”. It also includes a video of the great market crash of the 20's.
- “Unfortunately, sudden drops” discusses ways to possibly reduce risk. Warren Buffet explains.
- “So perhaps” suggest that investing in the stock market is not so easy. The video suggests using stocks as a retirement vehicle.