Sarah Frei

Sarah Frei

JWY Research Instructor
Department of Mathematics
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755

Office: 314 Kemeny Hall
Email: sarah.frei(at)dartmouth(dot)edu


I am a JWY Research Instructor at Dartmouth College, working in algebraic geometry and arithmetic geometry. From 2019-2022, I was an RTG Lovett Instructor at Rice University. See my research page for my papers and preprints.

I received my PhD in June 2019 from the University of Oregon, where my advisor was Nicolas Addington.

Curriculum Vitae

Here is my CV.


For the Winter 2025 quarter, I am teaching Math 13: Calculus of Vector-Valued Functions. See my teaching page for more information, as well as a list of the courses I've taught in the past.

Recent and Upcoming Travel


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