Doctoral Student

Publications and Preprints

1. [Link] Weighted Erdős-Kac theorems via computing moments, accepted by Acta Arith., 2023.

2. [Link] On a super telescoping sum representing binomial coefficients, accepted by Rocky Mountain J. Math., 2023.

3. [Link] Numerically explicit estimates for the distribution of rough numbers, accepted by J. Number Theory, 2024.

4. [Link] An inequality related to the sieve of Eratosthenes (with Carl Pomerance), J. Number Theory 254 (2024), 169–183.

5. [Link] An inequality for the distribution of numbers free of small prime factors, Integers 22 (2022), #A26, 12 pp.

6. [Link] The second largest Balaban index (sum-Balaban index) of unicyclic graphs (with Wei Fang, Yubin Gao and Zhongshan Li), J. Math. Res. Appl. 37 (2017), 391–403.

7. [Link] A finite difference scheme for semilinear space-fractional diffusion equations with time delay (with Wanrong Cao, Zhaopeng Hao and Zhizhong Sun), Appl. Math. Comput. 275 (2016), 238–254.

Expository Notes

1. [Link] The Davenport-Halberstam theorem for Möbius function.

2. [Link] Harmonic sums in arithmetic progressions.

3. [Link] The Erdős-Kac theorem.

4. [Link] The asymptotic for the second moment of ζ(s) on the critical line.

5. [Link] On Selberg's proof of Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions.

6. [Link] A short note on convex functions.

7. [Link] The Copeland-Erdős theorem on normal numbers.

8. [Link] On geometric proofs of theorems on sums of squares.

9. [Link] Vinogradov's estimate for the least quadratic non-residues.

10. [Link] Note on chapter 26 of Davenport's multiplicative number theory.

11. [Link] The Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv theorem.

12. [Link] Summability and the closed graph theorem.

13. [Link] A short proof of the triangle inequality for the pretentious metric.

14. [Link] Defining exponential functions via limits.