
I was born and raised in Hong Kong. For the last two years of my secondary education, I attended United World College of the Adriatic, a school in Duino, Italy that is a part of a global education movement that brings together students from around the world with the aim to foster peace and international understanding.

I received my bachelor's degree from Princeton University in June 2012. When I graduated, I wrote an introduction to topology, which formed a part of the guide for mathematics majors, for the Princeton University Mathematics Club.

I received my Ph.D. degree from Columbia University in May 2017, under the supervision of Peter S. Ozsváth and Robert Lipshitz. My dissertation concerns the unoriented skein relations in knot Floer homology and tangle Floer homology.

After graduation, I spent three years at Louisiana State University, where I worked with David Shea Vela-Vick. In summer 2020, I moved back to the Northeast to Dartmouth College, where I am working with Ina Petkova. While I continue to work on fleshing out the theoretical aspects of Floer invariants for 3-manifolds, knots, links, tangles, and their cobordisms, I am also interested in the applications of these invariants to Legendrian and transverse knots, as well as cobordisms between them, in the context of contact geometry.

While I was at Princeton, my main extra-curricular activity was the Princeton University Glee Club (the university concert choir), in which I sang as a baritone.

In my free time, I enjoy photography, playing bridge (which my bridge partner and former suitemate taught me), and playing soccer and table tennis. I am also very interested in the studies of Classical Chinese and Classical Japanese text.

Curriculum Vitæ (PDF)