C.-M. Michael Wong

Department of Mathematics
Dartmouth College

As of Jul 1, 2022, I have moved. My personal website will be available here when it is published. The content of this website is up to date as of Jun 30, 2022.

I am a postdoctoral Lecturer and Research Associate at Dartmouth College, and my mentor is Ina Petkova. My primary interest is in low-dimensional topology, and specifically cobordisms of 3-manifolds, knots, links, and tangles. The main tools that I use are various versions of Floer homology and related invariants. I have also been exploring the connections between Floer theory and contact geometry.

Prior to moving to Dartmouth, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Louisiana State University, where I worked with David Shea Vela-Vick.

I received my Ph.D. from Columbia University in May 2017, and my advisors were Peter S. Ozsváth and Robert Lipshitz. My dissertation is available here.

Before that, I received my A.B. from Princeton University in June 2012.

While at Columbia, I organized the Graduate Student Topology Seminar in Fall 2014, and co-organized the Topology Reading Seminar in Fall 2016. At LSU, I co-organized the LSU Virtual Topology Seminar.

Here is my CV.

My research has been supported by NSF Standard Grant DMS-2039688 and an AMS–Simons Travel Grant.