Math 5, Pattern
Fall 2001
T-Th 10-11:50

Instructor: Dorothy Wallace
Office: 202 Choate House
Office Hours: 9-12 Wednesday or by appointment


Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4

Due Tuesday, Oct. 9

For next Tuesday I would like you to create an illustration for "The Stone Lions". Readers of this manuscript have pointed out the difficulty of following the mathematical aspect of the plot without supporting illustrations. We will assume that the publisher has decided to act on this input by hiring a professional illustrator to provide images which do the mathematical job but also enhance the value of the book as a whole. Due to cost constraints, they will only do three color printing (one of which is black). You are all bidding for the job by providing a sample of your best work, done as a combination of block printing and hand work. To succeed, your image must:

© 2001 Dorothy Wallace, Dartmouth College. All rights reserved.