At the beginning of class on (most) Wednesdays, we will give a short quiz on the topics covered since the previous Wednesday. These quizzes will be a bit shorter than the quizzes from Math 1 last term, but hopefully they will give you an idea of how well you understand the material. At the end of the term, we will drop your lowest quiz score before calculating your grade.
If you know you will not be in class on a day that a quiz will be given, it is your responsibility to notify your instructor before that day and arrange a time to take the quiz. Without prior notice, make-up quizzes will not be given.
There will be two midterm exams and a cumulative final exam. We will make a note on the Syllabus and in class so that you know which topics will be covered on each exam. All three exams will be sit-down exams with no books, notes, calculators, or other electronic devices permitted — just you and your knowledge.
If you are unable to attend an exam, it is your responsibility to notify your instructor at least 24 hours prior to the exam and arrange a make-up time. If you have an exam accomodation, the timing or location of the exam may be different and you should be in contact with your instructor to work out the details.
Exam 1: