Math 5, Pattern
Fall 2001
T-Th 10-11:50

Instructor: Dorothy Wallace
Office: 202 Choate House
Office Hours: 9-12 Wednesday or by appointment

Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4
Homework 5
Homework 6
Homework 7
Homework 8

Due Tuesday, Oct. 30

Homework for the weekend: Your task is to redo the least successful of the last three art assignments. You will bring the work to class on Tuesday the 30th - both versions. In addition you will bring a copy of your notes to hand in to me so that I have a record of this assignment. Today your job is to take notes on what others say about your images, using the following questions as a guide. Take your time with each piece and be proactive about getting information from your peers.

© 2001 Dorothy Wallace, Dartmouth College. All rights reserved.