Papers and Preprints:
- Equivariant Kuznetsov components for cubic fourfolds with a symplectic involution
With Laure Flapan, and Lisa Marquand.
- Cubic fourfolds with birational Fano varieties of lines
With Corey Brooke, and Lisa Marquand.
- Birational geometry of Fano varieties of lines on cubic fourfolds containing pairs of cubic scrolls
With Corey Brooke, Lisa Marquand,
and Xuqiang Qin.
- Conic bundle threefolds differing by a constant Brauer class and connections to rationality
With Lena Ji, Soumya Sankar,
Bianca Viray, and Isabel Vogt.
- On decompositions for Fano schemes of intersections of two quadrics
With Pieter Belmans, Jishnu Bose,
Benjamin Gould, James Hotchkiss,
Alicia Lamarche, Jack Petok,
Cristian Rodriguez Avila, and
Saket Shah.
- Rationality of threefolds over non-closed fields
These are survey notes written for a lecture series I gave at the Notre Dame 2023 Thematic Program on Rationality and Hyperbolicity.
- On abelian varieties whose torsion is not self-dual
With Katrina Honigs, and John Voight.
- A threefold violating a local-to-global principle for rationality
With Lena Ji.
Res. Number Theory, 10(2): 39, 2024.
- Groups of symplectic involutions on symplectic varieties of Kummer type and their fixed loci
With Katrina Honigs.
Forum Math. Sigma, 11:e40 1-35, 2023.
- Curve classes on conic bundle threefolds and applications to rationality
With Lena Ji, Soumya Sankar,
Bianca Viray, and Isabel Vogt.
Algebr. Geom., 11(3): 421-459, 2024.
- Reduction of Brauer classes on K3 surfaces, rationality, and derived equivalence
With Brendan Hassett, and Anthony Várilly-Alvarado.
J. reine angew. Math. (Crelle), 792: 289–305, 2022.
- Rational points and derived equivalence
With Nicolas Addington, Benjamin Antieau, and Katrina Honigs.
Compositio Math., 157(5): 1036–1050, 2021.
- Moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 surfaces and Galois representations
Selecta Math. (N.S.), 26(1): 1-16, 2020.
- The a-number of hyperelliptic curves
Women in Numbers Europe II, Springer, 107-116, 2018.
Other Writing:
- University of Oregon AWM Chapter: Creation and Evolution.
With Elisa Bellah, Leanne Merrill, and Kelly Pohland.
Fifty Years of Women in Mathematics: Reminiscences, History, and Visions for the Future of AWM, to appear.
- In Oct 2021 I spoke at the AGNES Showcase on the Reduction of Brauer classes on K3 surfaces. You can find a recording of my talk on the AGNES website (although the first couple of minutes of the talk did not get recorded).
- In Aug 2021 I spoke at the PRIMA 2021 Summer School on Brauer classes in moduli problems and
arithmetic. You can find lecture videos (given by me and Nicolas Addington) and exercises there.
- In Nov 2019 I spoke at BIRS on Rational points and derived equivalence. You can find the recording of my talk on the workshop page.
- Here are slides from a talk I gave at the Arithmetic of Algebraic Curves Conference at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
- Here is a poster I presented at the Fall 2017 Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium in Los Angeles, CA.