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Web Page Resources
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Personal Webpage Templates

There has been a serious push for all faculty and graduate students to have web pages. We all make our first web pages by stealing things we see on the web. Below James Graham and Tom Shemanske have put together a few samples which are easy to adapt to your own purposes. There are links to view a the sample and links to download the archive with all the files.

Course Webpage Templates

June, 2019

Web pages are now viewed on a wide variety of screen sizes, and as such, it is best if the web page design adapts to the given screen size.

Every course account that is created on the math server includes three sample webpages, responsive by design. The contents of any of these archives can/will replace that of your course public_html directory. Of course you can always design your own web page, but it is important for each course to have a web presence, even if you will be linking it to Canvas. The samples provided can be seen by selecting the links below.

Archive of mathematics department's course web pages dating back to 1997 is here.

Archive of complete course materials for many courses is here Math Intranet


MathJax is available locally, on gauss. It is already automatically included in every standard Math Dept. website page. To activate MathJax on other pages (course or personal web pages, for example) copy and paste the following <script> lines into <head> section of your web page:

	<script src="/include/mathjax-config.js" defer></script>
	<script src="/include/mathjax/es5/tex-chtml.js" id="MathJax-script" type="text/javascript" defer></script>

Restricting Access to Parts of the Website

You can make a directory of your website accessible only after authentication with NetID:

  1. make a directory, e.g. restricted;
  2. in that directory create a file named .htaccess (note the starting dot);
  3. put the following two lines into .htaccess:
    AuthType CAS
    require valid-user

Navigating to now will request authentication with Dartmouth NetID.